- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AsEoEBm8As4OdFNZa1lHTWNja0FodXkxSzJKNXo0QUE#gid=0
- Contact name: Cassandra Sanders-Holly
- Phone number: (951)340-0431
- The most important thing I gained from my mentorship experience at Leaps and Bounds is the knowledge of how hippotherapy helps many children with special needs. Leaps and Bounds plays a big role in many children's lives. They are given the freedom attop a horse that they normally would not have. Hippotherapy is a fun and unique way for a child to recieve therapy. It has been life changing seeing children week after week grow and achieve their goals. I have really enjoyed interacting with the children and hearing about their lives and their everyday accomplishments. I have also loved working with my fellow volunteers. I have met many new people, from all walks of life, through my mentorship. Another thing that has been very important to me is the friendships I have made with the horse handlers, Melissa and Megan. They were of great help to me and always made me feel comfortable and welcome. My mentor, Cassie, was also of tremendous help to me. She is so brilliant and knows everything there is to know about hippothrerapy and clinical therapy. She was there every day, greeting me with a smile and a warm hello. I really, really appreciate all that she has taught and done for me.
Applied: How has what you've done helped you to answer your Essential Question?
- Everything that I have done at my mentorship has helped me answer my EQ. My essential question is, "What is the most important benefit a child with special needs recieves through equine assisted therapy?" If it weren't for my mentorship, I would have limited knowledge of hippotherapy, and I would not have been able to answer my essential question to the fullest. My mentorship gave me a hands on experience to hippotherapy. I was able to learn by doing, which was very helpful. Also, my mentor was always there if I had any questions. She was there to guide me in the right direction. She also explained some specific things about hippotherapy in her own words. I would later go and research further what she spoke of that day. Cassie reccomended places I should go to look up certain information. Without my mentorship with Cassie, I honestly think I would have been lost.
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